Website Activity

Forums Community News Website Activity

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Charles Kantor 5 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #4780

    Charles Kantor

    We thought we’d keep you updated every once in a while, about activity on our website. On 3/6/2019, the following citations and other pages were viewed by visitors in the United States and from around the world. All these visitors are “humans,” not bots, so presumably they are visits by people who have discovered or stumbled on our website in some way or have had previous exposure to DP publications. In any case, they’re interested enough to look beyond the front page.

    1. Bergner, R. (1988). Money’s ‘Lovemap’ account of the paraphilias: A critique and reformulation. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 42, 254-259.

    Retrieved from: Madgaon, India

    2. Ossorio, P.G. (1966/1995). Persons. The Collected Works of Peter G. Ossorio, (Vol. I). Ann Arbor, MI: Descriptive Psychology Press.

    Retrieved from: BodØ, Norway

    3. Ossorio, P.G. (1976). Clinical topics (LRI Report No. 11). Whittier, CA and Boulder, CO: Linguistic Research Institute.

    Retrieved from: BodØ, Norway

    4. Ossorio, P.G. (1982). Status maxims (LRI Report No. 30B). Boulder, CO.

    Retrieved from: BodØ, Norway

    5. Ossorio, P.G. (1987/1997). Cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. In Essays on clinical topics. The collected works of Peter G. Ossorio, Vol. II, (pp. 165-193). Ann Arbor, MI. Descriptive Psychology Press. (Original work published 1987 as LRI Report No. 39a. Boulder, CO: Linguistic Research Institute.)

    Retrieved from: BodØ, Norway

    6. Ossorio, P.G. (2001). 2001 Rap Session with Peter Ossorio. Society for Descriptive Psychology Web Site:

    Retrieved from: Petaluma, CA

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