Persons : Now available

Forums Community News Persons : Now available

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Charles Kantor 5 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #5103

    Charles Kantor

    A full text PDF version of Persons. The Collected Works of Peter G. Ossorio, Vol. I. is now available on the Society website.

    This posting is the last of 19 volumes of Descriptive Psychology works (10 volumes of Advances in Descriptive Psychology and 9 volumes of The Collected Works), all of which are now available in full text pdf format on the Society’s website, and when applicable, also as individual chapters under an author’s drop down publication list.

    The website now offers a comprehensive collection of the Descriptive Psychology literature that has been published to date.

    As a reminder, we would like to add any new publications to this archive as they become available. Please make sure to notify Charlie Kantor or Ned Kirsch if you have published anything new or are aware of any publications that haven’t yet been added to the website.

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