An update about the Sample Topics menu

Forums Community News An update about the Sample Topics menu

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  society 5 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #4558


    Many of you who have visited the Society’s new website, SDP.ORG, may have noticed a menu on the right side of the front page called “Sample Topics”. The purpose of that menu is to provide visitors with access to publications from the DP literature that are specific to the topic that interests them.
    Up until recently there were no active links on the “Sample Topics” menu. Please take another look because the “Sample Topics” area of the website now includes links to topic-specific citation lists for articles and books written by descriptive psychologists, including a link to publications that present “Critical Descriptive Psychology Concepts.”

    In sorting these DP publications, members of the Website Content Committee included many works under multiple categories as it was clear that one category was insufficient to represent the article or book.

    We recognize that reasonable folks can and will disagree about the placement of these works. This is not the last word, but a beginning step in classifying DP scholarship to benefit visitors unfamiliar with DP as well as to have a convenient place for all of us to locate and read these works.

    All “Sample Topics” lists are drafts. Don’t hesitate to contact Charlie Kantor or Ned Kirsch about changes you’d like us to implement. We expect that as our community checks out this area of the website, the listings will change. If an item should be added to a list where it doesn’t yet appear (including being added to lists in addition to ones where it already does appear), please let us know. We took an inclusive approach, guided by an ethic of acknowledging as many people as possible who have utilized and written about DP. Our aim is to continue in this way.

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