Therapeutic approaches to problems of meaninglessness

Bergner, R.M. / Published 2023 / Presentation

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Presenter Ray Bergner, Ph.D.
Date September 29, 2023
Abstract: In this presentation, I will describe therapeutic approaches to problems of meaninglessness that beset many clients. The presentation will include: (a) a conceptual formulation of meaningful action and, by extension, meaningful living; (b) a delineation of some common obstacles to meaning exhibited by clients; and (c) some therapeutic recommendations for addressing these obstacles.
1. Bergner, R. (1998). Therapeutic approaches to problems of meaninglessness. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 52, 1-16.
2. Yalom, I. (1980). Existential psychotherapy. New York: Basic.
3. Frankl, V. (1969). The will to meaning. New York: World.
4. Bergner, R. (2005). World reconstruction in psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 59, 1-17.
5. Bergner, R. (2010). The Tolstoy dilemma: A paradigm case formulation and some therapeutic interventions. In K. Davis, F. Lubuguin, & W. Schwartz (Eds.), Advances in Descriptive Psychology (Vol. 9, pp.143-160). Ann Arbor, MI: Descriptive Psychology Press.