44th Annual SDP Conference (Hybrid)
September 29th – October 2nd, 2022

Click a presentation title for additional information, including the presentation abstract, supporting references, supplementary documents if available, and a link to an audio or video of the presentation, if available.

Title Presenter Date
Presidential Address:
The Time is (Probably)
Ripe for Change:
Moving Descriptive Psychology into the Mainstream
Ian Newby-Clark, Ph.D. September 29, 2022
Sexual Significance Ray Bergner, Ph.D. September 30, 2022
Making Buddhism Accessible to Westerners H. Joel Jeffrey, Ph.D. September 30, 2022
Primary Care Research
Subject Matter:
Reconciling How it is
Organized to Better Engage
Participants at the
International Conference

C.J. Peek, Ph.D. September 30, 2022
Descriptive Psychology as Therapy for Therapies Wynn Schwartz, Ph.D. October 1, 2022
A Descriptive Psychology
Perspective on Careers
Lane Lasater, Ph.D. October 2, 2022
A City of Two Tales:
How Complex Communities Achieve Resilience in the Face of Overwhelming Threat
Charles Kantor, Ph.D. October 2, 2022
Being-in- the-World Mary Roberts, Ph.D. October 2, 2022